Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mom always said, "Listen to the Angels"

Yet another blatant message from the world of the winged...

I was driving home tonight, listening to Lionel Richie in my car (go ahead and laugh, it's okay...before that I was listening to Eminem, so...); and having - like i so often do throughout each day - a moment in which missing Mom and needing to know she was near, was so intense as to be nauseating. Tears spilled forth and ran from my eyes into my open mouth - gaping still in horror and disbelief of the physical absence of her.

I asked her to come to me. I then turned off the CD, and turned on the radio. As usual, the station was tuned to 101.1 (a sappy, adult contemporary station). It is always tuned to the same station because I SO RARELY turn it on. I always listen to CD's - never radio! The past handful of times I have turned on the radio, it has been because - I SWEAR TO GOD - Mom USES those radio-WAVELENGTHS as a medium for communication! It has happened so many times now, that I have asked for something from her - some tangible sign of her spirit's presence - and have then been compelled to turn on the radio, where I have been given very CLEAR messages directly from her!

This time, I cried and choked on my tears. Then without thought, the tears stopped for a second, and my hand reached for the button that flips the stereo from CD to radio mode. The woman on KOSI 101 then immediately said, "We are doing ANGEL CARD READINGS here on the air tonight...So call up for your reading!"

If anyone reading this doesn't know yet - Angels were my Mom's band of sisters and brothers. It was like she had one foot here on earth, and one fledgling wing opening up progressively toward the Heavens. And now, she is working with them full-time, which gives her much more power to do the righteous work that she started here on this plane. And she had a deck of Angel cards, which she loved, and whose value she believed in deeply. She utilized them to their fullest potential for intuitive depth and spiritual motivation. And beauty. Mom's love for angels was so beautiful. So unwavering and strong, even in the face of a world far behind her in many aspects of her understanding - her KNOWING. She was a beautiful angel here on Earth. And she is even more beautiful - even more of an empowered angel - in the void of divine Bliss where she now does her flying...and her dancing!

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