Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Hardest Weekend

A Letter from Dad...

Dear Tina and Liz, I know that this weekend is so painful for you both, but once again, I want to encourage you to try to force yourselves to “celebrate” Mommie vs. Mourn her. The more time that goes by, the more I think of her essence…. And that was love, light and happiness….. yes with great sadness, but also with so much love…. as you do. She was great. She was a gift… She was here with and for us for a number of years that were not enough…. But that is true of all good things…. There can never be enough of a good thing…… Today and always I will try to love the time we had and try not to think that it wasn’t enough…. I know it’s hard… I love you both with all my heart and feel so blessed that Mommie gave me the gifts that are you.   I wish you both a very great year with great health, happiness, new adventures and all the love that you deserve. PEACE, Dad

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